SWA Concert Ticket Giveaway
Southwest Airlines
Video: Real Life Gate Agent Has Moves
"Win Better Seats" LiveNation Promotion
The assignment was to create a video that generated attention to challenge viewers sitting in domed stadium arenas around the US to text a number to win a free ticket upgrade. The audience could text in to win front row seats.
The creative hurdle? No sound. We needed to create attention in a busy, noisy environment to view our message. It worked!
My creative solution was using the guy or gal that guides Southwest jets to the gate and transforming his marshaling wand lights into air drums and an air guitar instruments. The idea definitely got attention and the contests were a success.
In a miracle of casting, we interviewed real aircraft marshaling agents from Southwest. It wasn't long before we found that one of the interviewees was actually in a band and had the moves we wanted to air guitar and drum his way to fame. We added music later to add some versatility to the creative down the road. It's a fun spot on brand and on strategy.