Big Brand Product Solutions
Advertising Creative Solutions
Healthcare Recruitment Vehicle
United States Air Force
As part of the pitch creative team, our web design and tagline, Cross Into the Blue began a 7 year campaign utilizing every cutting edge technology available to reach out and ping the 18-24 year old target market that wasn't reachable by television and turn in qualified leads.
The U.S. Air...
moreGlobal Product Launch. Tiny Tech. Inspiron 3000
In a company that releases laptops with all the bells and whistles, the launch of the 11.6" "Bonzai" laptop was an understated solution for people who want a highly mobile platform to enjoy anywhere.
- Concept
- Presentations to stakeholders including decks
- Art Direction...
Life is Worth Tahiti
Tahiti Tourisme
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Santa Monica’s Phelps Agency to help them retain the Tahiti Tourisme account with 16 years tenure. Our challenge in 2010 the economy was so deep that attracting tourists to Tahiti was a challenge. Adding to that was the long flight time and...
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